Team members

From left to right: Vanessa with the web interface, Vu with the custom PCB, Josh with the looks-like prototype, and Paul with the works-like prototype

Vanessa Martinez is the team lead of the SLAM Air Quality Monitoring Robot team. Her primary responsibility is in scheduling, organizing, and leading team and team-advisor meetings. She develops the content for the written and presentation aspects of the project. She handles team conflicts and concerns. She focuses on hardware testing and verification of electrical connections of components. She also supports the team in research.

Paul Rayes is primarily in charge of the software design of the robot and web interface. Paul worked on an autonomous robot in the past, and thus has experience with the types of problems involved in robotics. He has significant software experience in the languages used in the project, including web interface design. He also has some knowledge working with CAD tools to design both circuit boards and mechanical parts.

Josh Montes has extremely relevant lab experience in a cleanroom facility at ASU’s CSSER cleanroom. He was responsible for conducting market research through interviews (some on-site) and collecting product feedback from industry. He also helps handle many of the hardware aspects of the project, including the wiring and electrical soldering of the SLAMbot’s underlying circuitry, designing the physical occupation grid, and designing and 3D-printing the looks-like prototype.

Vu Truong is primarily focusing on the software designs of the robot, his role includes: writing code for the robot to perform various functions, researching, and debugging code errors. His knowledge in programming will be used to configure and port components to the BBB. He will manipulate data from both the IMU and LIDAR to assist in the code which in turn will be used in determining the location of the robot. Whereas, his researching and debugging skills are used for troubleshooting obstacles that show up upon coding.

Photo credit: ASU Fulton Engineering Communications