Professional Experience
- Manage web and database infrastructure, including DNS, MongoDB, Node.js, Google Apps, and existing Magento store
- Design open-source Tollan architecture and framework for website and internal applications
- Redesign website using scalable and modern principles
- Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative grant recipient
- Developed and evaluated software for computer-assisted learning of introductory circuit analysis for Circuit Tutor project
- Created new interfaces for accepting student solutions to circuits
- Developed website for tracking student progress that complies with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Designed and implemented software engine to execute arbitrary sequences of problems, assessments, and tutorials using modular software design practices
- Built instruction materials for Cartesian graphs and voltage/current division
- Set up and maintained web server on Amazon AWS
- Worked with Supply Chain and Requirements Engineering for Vehicle Management Controller and TTEthernet Network Interface Controllers for NASA’s Orion Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle
- Updated project requirements, block diagrams, and schematics
- Tested circuit boards and ASICs for correct functionality
- Created progress reports and presentations on project schedules and budgets
Digital Design and Embedded Programming
- Digital Design Fundamentals
- Hardware Design Languages and Programmable Logic
- Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
- Real-Time DSP Systems
Signals and DSP
- Signals and Systems I, II
- Random Signal Analysis
- Digital Signal Processing
- Communication Systems
- Circuits I, II
- Analog and Digital Circuits
- Digital Systems and Circuits
- Analog Integrated Circuits
- Applied Linear Algebra
- University Physics III
- Local Links to Global Sustainability
- Calculus I, II, III
- Differential Equations
- Public Speaking
- Macroeconomic Principles
- University Physics I, II
- General Chemistry I, II
Software Languages
- Javascript, Node.js
- C#, Visual Baisc, Mono
- PHP, Ruby
- VHDL, C, Assembly
Web Frameworks
- PHP: Symfony, Laravel
- JS: Express, Angular, React
- UI: jQuery, Bootstrap
- Build Tools: Browserify, Webpack, Gulp
OS and Architectures
- Windows 3.11/98/XP/7/8/10
- Ubuntu & Fedora Desktop & Server
- ARM Cortex M0/M3/A8
- Atmel AVR, Arduino
- Freescale and TI DSP
- Xilinx Spartan FPGA
Engineering Software
- AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor
- Eagle, KiCAD
- PSpice, Cadence ICFB
Project Management & Version Control
- Microsoft Project
- Microsoft Office, LibreOffice, Google Docs
- SAP, Teamcenter
- Git, GitHub, BitBucket, JIRA
- Amazon AWS
- Bash, Chef, REST
- NGINX, Apache2
- MySQL, Redis, MongoDB
Graphic Design & Document Markup
- Adobe Photoshop & InDesign
- GIMP 2.8
- LaTeX, Markdown, AsciiDoc